Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 43 >

The child lay in a foetal position, her legs tucked to her chest. Jesse carefully turned her on her back and pulled her naked limbs down on the matted newpaper beneath her. I was checking out the little boy who was laying next to her when Jesse suddenly let out a horrified gasp and burst into furious tears. "Oh could anyone...Oh you poor baby."

Jesse fell into my arms shuddering uncontrollably. I was having a hard time keeping down my supper. I staggered on my knees in shock and we rocked back and forth in pain and horror. Radio and Joey stood back from us, slow understanding coming to their faces. The rest of the children sat looking at us, no sign of emotion, no sign of sorrow or compassion.

"Grumps did this mister, grumps did it to us all." Dusty stood with her fists up like a miniature prize fighter. Her voice grated. "The friends say we must forgive. They say grumps don't know no better. Is that right mister. You don't know any better?" In all my life, I had never hit a child. Why was I feeling like I had? "Who's fault is it, Mr. Bowie?"

I was too horrified to answer, too ashamed of my race, too full of rage and pain and anger. All I wanted to do was find the person who had tortured that child and hurt them, make them pay. I shook all over. Pushing away from Jesse, I jumped to my feet and let out a choked scream and slammed my fists against the side of the shed.

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