Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 10 >

She looked confused, then suspicious. "I don't know what you're setting up with this one Uncle Tom, but it won't work. I'm wise to your tricks." She smiled and eased off with a nervous look I recognized from previous practical jokes. "Go choose another victim" she suggested. Suddenly I was struck by a paralyzing fear. Something was wrong. I felt dizzy and confused. All I remember was the sound of a mountain stream laughing as I fell backwards onto the pea gravel of St. Maddy's playground.
I was running down a dark game trail in an overgrown forest. Briars and thorns tore at my legs. A tangle of brush and grapevine hung over the path creating an impenetrable barrier to either side. They were calling me. I could hear their voices. I had to hurry...they were in danger...dying. The path constricted even further until I was no longer able to run. I had to get on my hands and knees and crawl. I fought my way through the snarl of brush. I was having to force my way through it on my stomach. They were just ahead. I could hear them.

The bramble and the briar caught on my clothes. I tore at it, crying out in frustration. The struggling only got me more entangled. The voices were even more desperate and afraid. I knew if I could just get loose and reach out my hand I could help. The vines just tightened their grip. They tore at my skin and scratched my face. I closed my eyes and writhed on the ground, screaming "Let me go! I've got to save them!" The voices kept calling my name. Tiny hands were running their fingers over my body. They wanted something. They shouted at me in desperation.
"He's still here." I thought "I must be going crazy." He gave me a penetrating look, then went back to drawing in the sand. Now I'm a child of the Nicholas Robbins held my face in his hands. Several of the other children were gathered around me on the ground petting my chest and legs. "It's time to wake up Uncle Tom." Nicholas smiled as Variety and one of the other teachers came running up, concern on their faces. “Tom are you okay?" She grabbed my wrist, felt my cheeks and all that other stuff they teach in the first aid course required by the state for day care providers.

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