Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 16 >

"What's the purpose of this?" I asked "What's going to happen?" "Your world is being tested. The child must become dominant. It is a necessary stage in your development. The child will be able to make friends with other...other worlds. This is a big universe. There is much that you only dream about. Think of it as a coming of age trial." "What happens if we fail...and who is doing the judging?"

"Judging is something you adults do. We do not find it useful. We are your friends and patrons. Growing happens. All living beings meet tests every day. Consequences occur from our choices. It is that way for us all. Each Awakening is different. Those that fail are swallowed by the `gere'". You were in "the gere". It is all that is out of balance, all that harms the child. Many feel it now but will not face it. As the wound is opened, the pain will become intolerable. Either you will heal the wound or you will die of it."

"Other planets have gone through this?" I was still fascinated by the Buck Rogers possibilities. "Other worlds, yes. Not all of them are what you would call planets. More like your word civilizations. There are many universes. There is much you have to learn but now is not the time." "Well what am I supposed to do then?" I asked. "Be with the children. Do what you feel. Watch and record."

I started to worry that this deal was going to effect my life style. I had always wanted to write a book but this kid was one kinky literary agent."What about my job...I mean, when do I start? I mean how much time do I spend with the kids? Will they tell me what to write? How fast is this going to happen?" I was getting a bit frenetic. "You have already begun. You may write if you wish but mainly, follow your heart. You are a Sentinel. The children and other living things will tell you."

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