Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 20 >

I cantered across the countryside like a young colt, jumping and tumbling, my body feeling young and powerful, celebration coming from every pore. As I passed a small wood, a naked little black boy stepped out from behind an immense chinaberry tree. He walked up to me, his eyes filled with affection, and touched my cheek. I felt his selfless love and admiration for me.

I threw off the covers and walked into the bathroom to take my shower. As the cold water hit me I sorted through the circumstances of the new life that stood before me. I had been changed by the events of the past sixteen hours. By the time I finished my bath, shaved and dressed, I was pretty clear about one thing...I had no idea what to do next. On the other hand, I had a pretty good idea that whatever it was, it was going to create a disruption in my family.

These days, my darling wife is a professional woman who appreciates the finer things. She is the managing partner of a small but lethal downtown law firm. Jessie's a nice lady, but if you cross her she can hand you your family jewels on a silver platter in such a way that you know it's only the first course. I was a little apprehensive, to say the least, about the conversation I knew was coming. I'm a big guy. At 6'6" and weighing about 230, I don't need to be scared of most things, but Jessie...well Jessie scares me to death.

I was a little concerned she might not understand when I told her I was closing my business to go watch an alien inspired children's rebellion I knew was coming due to advance information I received from my invisible " kitchen. I'm the only male she allows the indulgence of traditional female nicknames. Her law partners love to tell stories about various chauvenistic legal types who have dared to address her as "Honey or Sweetheart" and found out how un"sweet" she can be. The woman makes allowances for me. I appreciate that.

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