Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 9 >

I was thinking how great it was to be with these people, to be at this place, to have the life I have. Sure I've got problems. I make mistakes. There are a number of areas in my life where I've made a habit of it. Still, the great thing about being with kids is that you learn to appreciate the magic in the world. They show you each moment, each event, each experience as an opportunity for wonder. I love them and they know it. That's all it takes for them to love me back with all their massive little hearts.

After Variety walked away, I wandered around the playground for a few minutes giving and getting hugs from various children and ended up under a big pecan tree to get some relief from the heat. As I settled my worn out old frame into the grass, I heard a funny sound. It sounded familiar but far away...sort of like running water...but different. I squinted into the afternoon sun hanging low in the sky above the parking lot just outside the playground. As I listened, the sound seemed to grow louder. My mind ran through the possibilites... a broken water main, several children giggling, somebody playing some cheerful but unusual music on a car stereo. I looked harder but it was hard to focus. The heat rising off the blacktop obscured something that seemed just out of my vision.

I cupped my hands over my eyes to block out the sun and thought I saw something. Things seemed to get quiet on the playground. There was a sort of "ffffooooop" sound that shook my concentration. I looked around to see if all the kids were okay. When I turned back, a naked little black boy came running over to me from across the playground. Now I've got to admit, my first reaction was to take him in and put some clothes on him. If one of the parents came and found their youngster naked with a 6' 6" ex-hippie basketball player...well I just didn't want to explain it. I reached out and took his hand and started walking as fast as possible into the building.

I got part way and Variety sauntered up. "Oh crap," I thought "she'll have a field day with this one." "Leaving your post stretch?" she asked "whatsamatter, can't hold it?" I shuffled and looked down at my naked ward. "Well, we've got a little business to take care of. Somebody decided to do the afternoon au naturel." She looked at me, then looked back on the playground, then looked back at me again. "What...who?" she asked I nodded at the urchin at my feet. "This person right here" I said.

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