Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 25 >

Now you will notice that this answer seems to have little to do with the question I asked. However, from experience I know that it is less painful to wait than to try to redirect. He eventually gets around to it. Also you must understand that the boy talks at a rate an auctioneer would envy so he can put out a lot of words in a short time. It helps to tune in on about every fifth sentence.

" anyway, when I went to bed I figured it was off to the shrink with Joey tomorrow then POW! I have this dream. It was sooooo awesome. I was in, man we are walkin' along and there were like animals with us like dogs and horses and stuff and we were kickin' butt! We all sang this loud song like hurricane or somethin' but it shredded these guys, I mean we were doggin' 'em and when we passed it was like you know on a Disney film, everything was beautiful an fresh and growin..."

My breath caught in my throat as he stormed through the story. What was Radio doing in my dream? Why had my family been singled out for these messages? Was it because I was a Sentinel? Suddenly I had a scary thought. I muttered "excuse me Radio" and walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone. Radio didn't even break stride. I called Variety. She already knows I'm crazy. Besides, she's one of those friends that I could say anything to and get away with it. Her youngest, Tulli, picked up the phone.

"Lo...who is it?" Classy phone technique for a two year old. "Hi Tulli, It's Uncle Tom, can you let me speak to your mom?""It's reeeally Ucca Tom?" She did a security check. Can't let just anybody get through to the queen. "Yes, sweetheart, go get your Mom." This went on for a while. Parents who let their toddlers answer the phone are out to punish the hurried in the most fiendish ways. Finally Tulli decided dominating me was getting boring and dropped the phone. I could hear her calling Variety. "Tom" she sounded frazzled "Are you okay?" "Yes ma'am, I'm fine. Sorry I scared you yesterday. There is some stuff goin' that I need to talk to you about."

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