Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 68 >

"I never saw my parents again. They were killed in an automobile accident a few years later. I found out about their deaths when I returned to the reservation after ten years to brag about my success in the white world." A deep sadness seemed to settle over him. He looked down at his lap. A cruel smile licked his lips. "Grandfather was not impressed. He did not care about the money I had made, the things I had acquired. He scoffed at me and said I had lost myself...He was right."

He looked over at me. "When I saw you carry John up that hill, I remembered. I remembered what my grandfather had taught me. He said a day would come when the spirit of the earth would return. He said Changing Woman would birth another child, that this child would bring spirit power brother Child-of-the-Waters and battle the monster of ice who has eaten the heart of the white man. He said the battle would be great but the monster would be defeated and thrown into the world below. The eyes of the white man would be opened so that he could see all the other peoples of the earth."

Radio leaned up against the front seat. "Wow Mr. Purcival, that's a cool story." His eyes were big. "Is this the time when Killer-of-Enemies returns? Whoa! That would be radical. Do you think we'll all be able to do magic stuff when we get to the waterfall? You don't think he's gonna kill me just because I'm white do you? I mean I'm sorry about the cowboys and Custer and everything..." I interrupted him as we were driving into the entrance to the emergency room.

"Radio, I'm sure James will answer your questions when he can but we've got to get Big John inside." I put my hand on Purcival's shoulder. "Thanks for telling us your story. I'm honored that you shared it with us." He looked grateful, like he had expected something different. "I've never told a white...anyone except my own people that story. I guess I blew my cover." He grinned sheepishly as he started out the door of the Mercedes. "These are magic times Mr. Bowie, magic times. The old stories may not live up to the new ones."

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