Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 15 >

I bought Big Reds for both of us. We sat in the truck, listened to Paul McCartney's Ram album and talked between slurps. I had a feeling the Big Red thing was a move to make me comfortable. That's okay, I needed it. I have strong childhood ties to the bonding available over the bright red creme soda bottled by "Perfection LTD". I did kind of wonder at the paradox of an invisible kid holding a visible soft drink. I wondered what someone else would see if they looked at us. I might have a hard time explaining a floating pop bottle.
"Now let me get this straight," I said "there's going to be some sort of child born who's coming to save the world, like the second coming..." "No," he interrupted "it is the child of your world, not an individual human. You would call it ... spirit or a conciousness." He had this habit of looking deep in my eyes when looking for words. My five year old gets that look when picking the next morsel out of his halloween candy bag. "The child is your connection to your...parents." "Parents?" I asked.
"Like your idea of parents, those that bring you into the world and nurture you...older worlds, who have a special interest in you. They have been your patrons." So if I was going to believe all this, and I didn't seem to have another plan at the moment, we were talking about "other worlds". I might get that ride on a starship yet. I figured I might as well get down to it. "Well who...or what or you?" I asked.
He smiled and tilted his head just like Sarah Glennon had done. "You know who I am Unca Tom...I'm your friend." He giggled and then got a bit more serious. "I am a guide and a companion. There are many of us. We are here to bring forth the Awakening." "There are others?" "Yes, many millions. All children up to six years old, many up to ten, a few as old as sixteen. A handful of adults." "There are other adults?" At least I wasn't the only one going nuts. "A very few. As I said, your minds are not suited to the process. It requires a great deal of energy and is dangerous. I cannot be with you often or long."

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