Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 50 >

The way Joey explained it, "It doesn't have to be the way you "see" it Dad, but if you don't change something, it will be." At first, we adults doubted the accuracy of these premonitions. Nam and Joey faded in and out of a prescient daze sometimes for hours at a time. The talent didn't seem to discriminate between large and small events. They were just as likely to foresee what was for dinner as they were to "see" a more significant event.

Since it was possible to affect the events "seen" by altering circumstances, some would happen and others wouldn't. It was hopelessly confusing as they never knew what alteration of behavior in the present would affect the foretold event, or even if changing actions that lead to the event they had "seen" would create greater dangers. Also, there was no guarantee that horrible things wouldn't happen totally unforseen. The whole thing made my head swim.

Nam had "seen" the success of our mission but he was less than forthcoming about the circumstances. Dusty followed his suggestions for changes in personnel, one part of which was allowing the adults to go. I wasn't sure why, but I was more worried about what he hadn't told us than what he had. Now here we were, teens and adults, cannon fodder in a war to liberate incarcerated pets. I figured odds were good we'd end up shot or in jail. I hadn't played war since I was ten and even then, I wasn't too good at it.

Joey stuck his heel in my rib again. "Dad, Frisby Joe and Benjamin are at the shelter. There are two policemen at the front door but nobody around back that they can see. Dusty and Ricky are going around back. We'd better hurry."

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