Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 37 >

The priest looked uncertain. He looked down for a moment, then nodded at Sister Ruth. She opened the rear door to the conference room and two policemen stepped out. He turned to young Esquivel and spoke. "I cannot allow this school or anyone associated with this institution or the Catholic church to undermine the duly appointed authorities. I am sorry young man but I must inform you that you may be certified an adult and face criminal charges if you do not tell us where the children are hiding right now!" The two cops started moving across the room.

Several things happened fast at that point. Teachers started complaining loudly about the priest's gestapo tactics. Variety stepped to the hall door and had a few words with John. Young Esquivel said "Up yours, preacher" and bolted around the table. I lost control of my big feet as the two cops walked by and accidentally tripped one, sending him sprawling on the floor. I jumped up apologizing and bumped the other up against the wall while exclaiming "Oh, excuse me officer, my fault officer. Here let me help you." and doing my best three stooges hand jive.

I reached down to help the first guy up and the cop I had been playing pattycake with pushed me hard on the back and sent me flying across the table. Little Ricky ducked out the door with my irritated gendarme in hot pursuit but just as the trooper reached the double door I saw Variety make a hand signal and the closed door slammed open with incredible force throwing the unprepared officer back across the room like a rag doll. John Sr. stuck his head in sheepishly. "Oh, I'm sorry, was someone behind the door?"

Variety cried out "John can't you be more careful" and ran to help the plastered officer, inadvertantly stumbling over the guy I had tripped who was just picking himself off the floor. She fell on top of him and accidently kneed him in the groin. Next she started screaming something implying he was "running his hands all over..." her body. I jumped off the table and held John Sr. back from crushing the offending officer's head like an eggshell.

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