Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 24 >

Joey and I rocked in each others arms, letting more and more of it go until we were caterwauling like Italians at a funeral. Jubie started whining and snuffling along with us 'till finally, he pulled his head back and let out an at the dog dumbfounded. Finally the incredible wail came to an end. Jubie look at us self consciously, then walked over to his water bowl. There was a new atmosphere in the room. Joey and I looked at each other.

"Dog Fart!" screamed Joey. We tumbled off the chair puffing and gasping into the next room and plopped laughing on the couch, howling so hard we could barely catch our breaths. I kept trying to quit but every time our eyes met, an avalanche of laughter came rumbling out of my stomach until I lay helpless on the ground. "Dog fart." Joey kept mumbling between screams. It was almost like we were exhaling the sadness and terror we fully on the carpet. Shortly, Joey sat up and gave me a look of thoughtful consideration, another facial expression I hadn't previously seen on him.

"Good Mornin' Radio." I reached over and patted him on the back. He started mumbling some nonstop story about weird dreams and video game characters and how weird his brother was and moved off to the kitchen. I heard the juice pour. There was a muffled "Quit it Jubie!". Our dog habit of sticking his cold nose in your crotch in greeting. Joey and I smothered our giggles. Side one of Revolver was over so I put some Keith Jarrett on to soften things up, Staircase album, side two, "Hourglass".

"Oh it was tough! Did Mom tell you Joey flipped out, Dad? He truly took made up about some kid who isn't there and like we couldn't get him off it. I think it was the fish sticks we ate yesterday. They were soft when they came out of the freezer. I told Mom but she wouldn't listen... Noooooooo, not to dumb little Radio and now I've got a brother from outer space. How would you like that? What am I supposed to tell my friends. I knew we weren't supposed to eat soggy fish, probably got brain botulism..."

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