Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 64 >

James Purcival was a hard guy to figure out. At first I had avoided him. Besides the fact that I disliked anyone that good looking on principle, he was very withdrawn and private. Variety said he had been a major donor for the wardie kids at St. Maddy's for years and yet I had never met him. I thought I had been around long enough to know almost everyone involved in that school. He must have been private almost to the point of being a recluse.

To add insult to injury, he and Jesse had hit it off from the start. They shared certain character flaws that drove me crazy. They were practical, competent, well-organized and highly professional. These particular personality defects were forgivable in Jesse as she had the good taste not to demonstate them very often in my presence. Purcival, however, practically reeked competence.

As far as I am concerned, anyone smarter or more capable than I am should be shot at sunrise...unless it's the weekend of which case they get a couple of extra hours. Such traits in a to-die-for-handsome man who was buddying it up with my wife made me want to invite him out on the playground for some one-on-one...and play dirty.

My jealousy embarrassed me. The man had never been anything but a gentleman to my knowlege. Certainly his actions in the last few days were beyond reproach. It was shallow, petty and useless for me to be jealous of his relationship with my wife...Jesse would do what she wanted to in any case. Still, every time she mentioned his name, something went sour in my stomach.

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