Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 27 >

I told her about my conversation with Variety. She was quiet for a moment, then said "Honey, I did some thinking in the shower. I don't believe it serves us to avoid the reality of what is happening. If I am clear about what Joey's friend is saying, things could get dicey very quickly. I'm afraid that we could be at risk."

"What do you suggest." I love it when she manages things. She's generous enough to pretend to my authority in the household and the kids are generous enough not to rub the pretense in my face. The truth is she's quicker and more practical. I have learned to trust her instincts and follow her lead. "I'm afraid we must take a defensive posture. I think we should put out feelers to friends and people who can be trusted, people who have children and who, if Variety is any indication, should be in the middle of the same mess.

I watched her as she visited with Joey. Her auburn hair bobbed at her shoulders, simply cut and worn naturally in the fashion of the day. On the sunset side of forty, she was still one fine looking woman. She's a lady of glorious proportions, close to 5'10", with a big, ripe body that is my everlasting pleasure and her everlasting embarrassment. Why is it that women always want to be 5'4", skinny and blonde? I've been following her around drooling like a hound in heat for almost twenty years and she still worries about her looks. I don't try to understand women anymore. I just enjoy them.

I think children ought to get more respect, but that doesn't mean I woke up after that goofy dream ready to hand over the reigns. It's pretty easy being a gadfly to society when all you have to do is stand back and criticize. It's something else when you are confronted with having things the way you think they should be. For the first time in my life, I was losing control of my children. I didn't like it one bit. "Shooee...what a soapbox. You really do like to indulge in thinking don't you." The little black boy, still naked, sat on the back of the reclining chair not three feet from where Jessie was quizzing Joey. "Do you really think it makes any difference what your opinions are?"

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