Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 62 >

We traveled in silence through the early morning light of the city. The traffic was light. The few people in business suits that we saw on the streets were attacking their day with eager resolve. Delivery people, policemen and construction workers took their solitary early morning coffee at the doughnut shops. People stretched and yawned waiting for the bus.

"It's a beautiful morning isn't it." I mused and as if by divine decree, Satchmo finishes and on comes Ray Charles awesome version of "Oh What a Beautiful Morning." I laughed out loud...favored son indeed. The world that had seemed to be coming apart a few hours ago seemed very far away. "Tom?" Mary spoke softly in the back seat. "Tom, do you remember what happened back there?"

I was still preoccupied with the glorious morning. Ray Charles is sooo fine. I didn't know what she meant. Funny though, I did seem to have a memory lapse...I must have passed out. "What part of it Mary?" "Tom," she paused "Do you know that you carried John up the hill and put him in the car?"

"Well, I guess my attention wasn't on it. I figured we must have gotten him up here somehow. I mean, he's in the back seat." Mary was a great lady but she could be a bit of a fussbudget. I couldn't imagine what could be such a big deal on a beautiful morning like this. I gave her a big smile. She wasn't impressed.

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