Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 31 >

I let out a chagrined chuckle, "I guess you're right about that Miss Dusty, I guess you're right." She grabbed my hand and we both walked up to the back porch and into the house while Rickie Lee's funky, slurry voice called out... "The most you'll ever know is back where you used to go If grownups could laugh this slow Where as you watch the hour snow Years may go by."
After Jesse chewed me out for tromping oil on the kitchen floor, she had Radio march me outside and hose me down. Then she got busy getting Dusty a bath, dinner and some clean clothes. By the time I got all the oil out of my hair and got back downstairs, Jesse and Dusty were sitting at the table engaged in a heavy discussion.

"Thomas," she repeated to make sure I was listening. Dusty says there is a group of children hiding not far from here who need food and medical attention. Her imaginary friend told her to come here. They can't or won't go to the authorities..." She gave me a long and penetrating look. "Honey, I've been talking to Joey and his friend for quite a while now. There's a lot going on that I need to talk to you about. We're going to have to leave town immediately."

I said I'm not very good at being the practical one in our household but it seemed like Jesse had overloaded a circuit. "Look Jess, I know crazy things are going on but we need to consider our options. We don't know what kind of phenomenon these `imaginary friends' are. I can't see us making any radical moves until we are a little clearer about what's going on."

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