Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 18 >

A single drop of blood formed on my index finger. I put the finger to my lips and sucked away the salty fluid. As I did so, it began to bleed more profusely. My finger began to gush so copiously that that my mouth filled with blood. It forced open my lips and ran down my chin. I tried to form a tourniquet with my other hand to no avail. The gore was flooding out of my finger, running down my chest and lap and splattering all over the dried grass and briar. I began to panic, thinking I would bleed to death. Still the flow continued unabated. It ran like water from a hose. I jumped up screaming and waved my wrist in the air madly, blood spewing in all directions.
Wildly I called out, "Stop! I don't have any more. There's no more left!" Still the flood gushed onto the landscape, covering the gravestone and the ragged metal fence. Blood splashed onto the withered trunk of the old tree, washing in torrents over the rotting root structure and covering the landscape. My blood, the blood of my father and his father...the very life of all my ancestors poured out, converting the hollow landscape into a ghastly field of war. Corpses writhed and screamed in pain and horror.
Atrocities more horrible than anything I could imagine shattered limbs and body parts. Cruel torturers, covered in dried gore, stood with their hands in the bowels of the innocent, a powerfully sexual edge to their laughter. Every cruelty, every horror, every twisted, diseased act in the history of man displayed itself before me. I stood transfixed, past fear, past pain, past revulsion. A slow anger mounted in the pit of my stomach. I breath in. The foul atmosphere gurgled down my throat.
They looked up startled, dropping their implements of death and torture, a look of confusion and fear in their eyes. I opened my mouth again and a single note erupted from my throat, tearing a swath through their ranks like a lighting bolt. They backed up in surprise. I felt a rush of righteous power. I prepared to strike again but before I could open my mouth, I noticed they were looking behind me.

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