Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 11 >

"I'm fine, I'm fine" I mumbled to the people standing around me, "It must be the heat." I shooed them all away, then scooted over into the shade and put my back against the tree. I saw Variety walk into the school and knew she was going in to call my wife. Well, I'd have to deal with that later. Right now, I needed to sort a few things out.

As I watched Sarah and the boy play, I started humming "You Can't Ever Come Down" from the American Metaphysical Circus album by Joe Byrd and the Field Hippies. I checked out my body. Nothing hurt, I was a little dizzy but some disorientation was understandable given I had just regained consciousness. Yep, I could feel all ten fingers and all ten toes. I was all there. I got up unsteadily and walked over to the two children.

looked around the playground. Variety and the other teacher kept casting worried looks in my direction. I waved and smiled hoping to make them feel more secure than I felt myself. I couldn't understand why they didn't come over and dress my little 'maginary friend. St Maddy's is a liberal school but a fully naked child on the playground would not be considered de rigueur.

They can't see me." said the little boy."I only created my image for the little girl in order to facilitate our conversation. I am not theirs... and..." he paused as though struggling for words "they are past the age." I didn't say anything yet. I still wasn't sure I should be talking to a hallucination. "What you heard before, the voices, it was the beginning of the awakening. You are a Sentinel. I am your friend. We have much to do."

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