Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 51 >

I could see Sam Glennon motion to Radio and John Jr. up ahead. All three dropped onto all fours and began to climb up the side of the massive ditch to the field that surrounded the shelter. By the time John Sr. and I trotted the hundred yards and clambered up the slick and muddy hill, Sam and the two boys were half way across the field crawling on their bellies. I couldn't see the other dogs but Jubie was crouched behind a ragged bush waiting for Joey.

It had been prearranged that Joey would stay on the edge of the bayou with Jubie as lookout. That suited me fine. I pulled him out of the pack and set him down. What's happenin' Joey" I asked. "The cats are inside scouting. So far just a couple of men in white clothes and..." he stopped. His face tightened, the color draining out his cheeks and tears came to his eyes.

He wiped his eyes. An angry resolve came over his face. "Lots of 'em are dead Dad. There's piles of 'em. The animals are real scared." He looked up at me. "Go on Dad, they're gonna need your help." He grabbed my arm. " real careful. I can't tell who but somebody's gonna get hurt." For just a moment he was my little boy again. I reached over and gave him a hug. "Don't worry Bub, I'm way too chicken to take any chances."

We crawled as fast as we could to the breach in the rear fence, Radio and John Jr. were waiting for us. Sam had gone into the building with the two dogs to find Dusty and Ricky. This close to breaking and entering, my stomach started doing a waltz in my throat. My ol' Daddy did a good job of raising me a law abiding citizen. I swallowed, pulled the opening apart and started to crawl through.

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