Wednesday, July 8, 2009

< 47 >

It was this bond of equals that had created our latest mission. We were off to liberate the animals in one of the city shelters. In the last few days, authorities had begun a mass extermination of captured animals. The kids all felt it in the "gere" and it was driving them crazy. They had already been on one raid behind our backs and had freed about fifty dogs and cats at a small private shelter.

The last few days had been difficult for the adults in the three households. When the kids had threatened that the "grumps" wouldn't run things anymore, they meant it. As parents we were not used to our control being thwarted. We were conditioned to be obeyed, to having a veto and to "knowing best". If we tried to take that tack now or we showed any overt anger towards one of the children, every animal in the room would come to alert with its hackles up and teeth bared...even our own pets. We quickly got the idea that we were in no position to make demands

It frightened and upset us, not only because we had lost control, but also because we felt responsible for the children's safety and as they didn't consult us about their plans, we were unable to protect and advise them. The kids were changing rapidly. They spent hours in nonstop conversation with, Sam and I had been allowed to come along on the raid of the city shelter because Variety had convinced Dusty that we would be useful for tasks that took brute strength like carrying wounded animals. In other words, we were the pack animals on the trip.

Sam Glennon was a captain in the Marine reserve and had spent two years in the jungles of Viet Nam. He had a difficult time adjusting to taking orders from an eight year old about tactics in what he maintained was a military operation. Still, his complaints fell on deaf ears. We could go or stay, but if we went, Dusty made it clear who was calling the shots. She was courteous. She listened to our ideas and concerns...then did what she wanted. It was driving us crazy.

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